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    Training Within Industry
    21st Century Training
    The TWI Programs teach fundamental skills that help people at all levels of any organization solve problems.
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    Job Instruction, Job Methods, and Job Relations
    Used around the world
    We help companies to create a foundation for Lean Thinking by training its employees.
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    Deceptively simple, yet very powerful
    Do you need a trainer?
    The TWI Programs were developed in the 1940's in order to help defense contractors increase productivity.


TWI Programs

The TWI Programs contain fundamental skills that everyone should be using on a daily basis. It does not matter by what name they are called as long as the principles (skills) are used. The following is a list of what the TWI Programs will accomplish ...

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TWI's Role

The TWI Programs are powerful, valuable tools that have stood the test of time and are even more relevant now than they were when they were developed. The skills learned enable individuals to focus on the part of the problem that is important to them...

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What you really want (I hope) is to be able to successfully deliver a TWI Program so that the participants understand it, can use it, want to use it, and do use it. A certification, of any sort, offers a shortcut and makes it easier for us to evaluate ...

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Why Choose TWI Learning Partnership?

The objective is to get employees to USE the TWI Programs, not merely to deliver training in them.


Q&A from our webinar

We hosted an informative webinar and fielded some great questions. Peruse the answers.



Just as -Training is not just telling- it can be said that -Coaching is not just showing-.


TWI Book Reviews

Don Dinero has written a number of excellent TWI books. Read the reviews.


Sustaining the TWI Programs

The TWI “J” Programs were specifically designed to be quickly and easily conducted in all types of organizations no matter their size or purpose.


Articles of Interest

A grouping of articles to inform and educate the current use and expanding need for TWI.


Lean Manufacturing Projects

An incomplete list of some of the interesting projects and the time saved implementing the TWI methods.


TWI Metrics

Find out what the objective of Job Instruction Training and Development is.


Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at our most commonly asked questions - with answers!


Call today (585) 305-6820 or email dadinero@TWILearningPartnership.com


Our clients say it best. Read more.